Get your bird dripping this Christmas

Alright Masterbasters, here’s the best tasting chick you’re ever gonna get your filthy little mouth on.
As always, foreplay is key. So you wanna get this bird softening up for ya from the night before.

Traeger Que
Four Saucepan Chicken Rub
And the secret ingredient: Coca Cola
You can use whatever BBQ sauce and rub you have handy, these are just our favourites.
Mix a decent amount of rub, sauce, and coke in a large ziplock bag, before adding the chook to the bag. Marinade for at least 3 hours but overnight is better.
When you’re ready to go, let her drip dry before giving her another good rub down.

Next up is the main event.
*joke about butt stuff*
Use a can, use a throne. Whatever you have on hand.
Smoke at 250f and baste regularly with the Traeger Que

PRO TIP! Put your basting liquid inside the smoker with the chook, she’ll get nice and hot and smoky and add a whole extra depth of flavour to your cook!


Once she hits the desired internal temp (we aim for around 165f) cover her up (have some decency), and let her rest in her juices for a few minutes before serving.