Pulled Pork
3-4kg bone-in pork shoulder
Traeger Pork & Poultry Rub, to taste
500ml apple juice
Traeger ‘Que BBQ Sauce, to taste

When you’re ready to start the foreplay, set your Traeger grill temperature to 120°C and preheat with the lid closed for ~15 minutes.
While the grill slips into a temperature a little more comfortable, trim excess fat off the pork shoulder, and give it a good rub down.
(Generously season the pork shoulder with Traeger Pork & Poultry rub, and leave to sit for ~20 minutes.)
Slap that butt directly onto the grill grate, fat side up, probe it, and cook until the internal temperature reaches 70°C. This’ll take anywhere from 3 to 5 hours.
Just before the pork shoulder reaches temperature, take a large baking sheet and stack 4 large pieces of tin foil on top of each other.
Make they are wide enough to wrap the pork butt entirely on all sides. If not, overlap the foil pieces to create a wider base.
It’s important to make sure you’re fully wrapped, no holes here.
Once your pork butt has reached temperature, pull it off the grill and place in in the centre of the foil and fold up the sides of the foil a little bit before giving the pork butt and apple juice shower. Wrap the foil tightly around the pork, ensuring the none of those juices can escape and make a mess later.
Place the foil-wrapped pork shoulder back on the grill, fat side up, and cook until the internal temperature reaches 95°, in the thiccest part of the meat. 3 to 4 hours longer depending on how big you like your butts.
Once you’ve hit temperature, remove the butt from the grill and allow it a ~45 minute refractory period.
After ~45 minutes, you can take the pork shoulder off the tin foil and put it in a large dish. Pour the juices into a fat separator and throw away the used wrapper.
Now’s when you get to tear that ass up!
Shred the pork butt, removing the bones and excess fat as you go. Finally, lube the shredded pork up with Traeger’s ‘Que BBQ sauce and Pork & Poultry rub to taste.
Serve your pork between a pair of buns and share with your friends.